Wildlife in the South Hams AONB is under extreme threat from Climate Change and loss of habitat. Without our concerted efforts to rebuild habitats in our gardens, farmlands, riverbanks and seashore - some species are tottering on the brink of extinction. Local action to monitor, rebuild and conserve our wildlife is of great importance and very rewarding. Nature wants to live, and will live, if we give it a chance.
Like all rural parishes, Bigbury suffers from poor access to public transport which means that most people have at least one car. Large numbers of visitors are attracted to the beach, coastal path and to play golf. Yet none of our car parks yet offer a fast public EV charging point and there is no community bus or carshare scheme. Come to the Carbon Savers Club meeting on Transport to talk about options.
Co Cars
If you are making a longer journey and cannot use a bus or train for some reason - it might be cheaper and emit less carbon if you hired a Co Car from Kingsbridge.
Footpaths in Bigbury
Local authors and former Bigbury Footpath Wardens have made maps of our local footpaths available on the Bigbury Community website. If you discover and problems with the local footpaths - please contact the footpath wardens via the parish clerk.
Go Public
Tally Ho runs a bus service on a Friday for Bigbury to Plymouth. Check the timetable and where it stops. Travel Devon Have an Interactive map of the bus routes on Devon. Check GWR train times here. here is a recent review of the latest Travel Apps that help you smarten up your travel options